Possessive pronouns

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Understanding Possessive Pronouns: A Guide for Young Learners

Possessive pronouns are an essential part of English grammar. They help us indicate ownership without repeating nouns, making sentences clearer and more concise. This guide will explain possessive pronouns, provide examples, and offer exercises to help learners master them.

What Are Possessive Pronouns?

Possessive pronouns show ownership or belonging. Instead of repeating a noun, we can use a possessive pronoun to indicate who something belongs to.

For example:

  • This is my shirt. It’s mine.
  • These are their shoes. They’re theirs.

Possessive pronouns do not need an apostrophe and never come before a noun.

Common Possessive Pronouns

Subject Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun
I my mine
He his his
She her hers
It its its
We our ours
You your yours
They their theirs

Examples in Sentences

  • This is his cap. It’s his.
  • This is your pen. It’s yours.
  • These are their pencils. They’re theirs.
  • That is my book. It’s mine.
  • These are our sunglasses. They’re ours.

Exercises to Practice Possessive Pronouns

1. Choose the Correct Possessive Pronoun

Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun:

  1. This is my kite. It’s _______.
  2. These are your socks. They’re _______.
  3. That is her dress. It’s _______.
  4. Those are our gloves. They’re _______.
  5. These are his pants. They’re _______.

2. Complete the Sentences Using Possessive Pronouns

Fill in the blanks with one of these words: (mine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs).

  1. This is your school. It’s _______.
  2. That is their pencil case. It’s _______.
  3. Is that your pen? Yes, it’s _______.
  4. Those are their clothes. They’re _______.
  5. These are our toys. They’re _______.

Why Are Possessive Pronouns Important?

  1. Clarity: They make sentences clearer by avoiding repetition.
  2. Efficiency: Instead of saying That book belongs to me, you can say That book is mine.
  3. Common Usage: Possessive pronouns are frequently used in everyday conversations and writing.


Understanding and using possessive pronouns correctly helps improve grammar skills and makes communication more effective. With practice, young learners can easily master them and use them confidently in their writing and speaking.

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Possessive pronouns

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